Crohn's disease is an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract, which in addition to the treatment medication, step forward in the administration of probiotics.
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive system. Name of discoverer, was an American who in 1932 described the disease. Crohn's disease is a disease of young people, but it is not uncommon in children 60 years or over. The whole digestive tract can affect the mouth cavity to the anus. A short section of the intestinal ulceration, however, are intact areas between them. Often it develops in the small and large junction area in the right lower abdomen. The anus abscesses, fistulae (moist, tiny holes) may occur. When the disease affects the small intestine and colon meeting, vitamin B12 deficiency can result. Ophthalmology, dermatology, arthritis, may be accompanied by fever. Since the affected areas develops intestinal stenosis, it can easily cause intestinal obstruction. Typically the disease is both good and bad times of the alternation. If the inflammation of the lower section of the rectum or colon affect diarrhea effects.
The Formation Reason:
The cause of the disease is unknown. The researchers assume that the Crohn's patients with an immune system genetically prone to error, allowing a foreign substance to trigger Crohn's disease. It is possible that a congenital or acquired throughout life is associated with an underlying predisposition factors, such as infection, which brings to the surface a latent tendency. Longstanding experience indicates that several members of a family illness occur (for example, parent and child, sibling more likely to be affected), but heredity can not be proven.
Crohn's Disease: Chronic Enteritis |
Inflammation in maintaining the intestinal bacteria have an important role.
The symptoms of Crohn's disease:
Typical symptoms are weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea and recurrent fever. Chronic illness, alternating with periods of good and evil. A good periods (remissions), a relative of symptoms, wellbeing features. The cause of relapse (relapse) is not always known, infections, certain medications (e.g. Anti-rheumatic drugs), physical and mental overload can be caused. The symptoms related to the fact that part of the gastrointestinal tract that is affected. The small intestine in certain phases of the disease, weight loss and diarrhea, malabsorption can cause important nutrients (iron, vitamin B12, protein, etc). In the case of colon involvement is dominated by bloody diarrhea. The pain of inflamed bowel disorder contraction caused by spasm. Rarely occur in the esophagus or stomach inflammation. The fever is caused by bacteria penetrating into the deeper layers of the intestinal wall. Inflammation of the small intestine malabsorption, nutritional deficiencies (weight loss, anemia, protein, salt, vitamin and mineral deficiency), children's growth and development may result in failure.
Complications of Crohn's disease:
Inflammation can be caused by a narrowing of the pulp cavity. The suspicion arises when eating 2-3 hours after the patients feel cramping pain, it is often bubbling bowel sounds, accompanied splash. The serous membrane of intestinal inflammation reaching other organs (e.g. Bladder, uterus) or can spread to healthy intestinal sections. Due to the membranes gomolyag Nesting of inflammatory forms, which is palpable through the abdominal wall. It is also possible that two bowel grow together with each other. Flights occur between the clumps of hollow organs, called fistulas (fistula). Through these physiological or pathological fluid passes through. There is outlet to the outside world fistula, the anal fistula is like that.
It happens that affects other organs outside the intestine is Crohn's disease. These symptoms even years can prevent the appearance of painful intestinal problems, and sometimes cause more problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease itself. The most common symptom of arthritis. The knee, ankle, hip and elbow joints become painful, swollen. Inflammation of the liver associated with the value indicated by the rise in liver enzymes, of which the laboratory findings testify. Crohn's disease also gall stones predispose well. Changes in metabolic processes in the context of a common complication of kidney stones (oxalátkő) as well. The bőrkomplikációk include erythema nodosum (painful, red, non-ulcerative lot, mostly on the surface tension of the foot) and pyoderma gangrenosum (fast-spreading, purulent secretions covered with ulcerative lesions). The buccal mucosa, the gingiva frequent thrush-like lesions. There may be an inflammatory complications affecting the eyes. The increased tendency to thrombosis, a consequence of chronic inflammation.
What can we do?
In Crohn's disease the treatment medication addition, step forward in the administration of probiotics. These bacteria that promote optimal intestinal flora and to reduce permeability of the intestinal mucosa. Lactobacillus GG administered in children with Crohn's disease resulted in significant clinical improvement.
The Crohn's disease often affects the small intestine, where the absorption of nutrients and therefore, one of the main complaints of weight loss, malnutrition. The patients in nutrients, vitamin-rich diet is ideal, with small volume and possibly some slag material.