A good workout plan in the heavens can feel - but what happens if you leave out the movement? Our article to find out.

Due to the movement not only missed the extra pounds appear to us, but also other, less visible, unfortunately, things can be seen, they are collected. But there is good news: if we begin to re-train your body to pull himself together again.

A Sharp Increase In Our Blood Pressure:

The higher our blood pressure on days when you do not're training. But the blood vessels in about two weeks to adapt to the pace of a sedentary lifestyle, which led to a higher than measured values. After a month of a lack of exercise and we get results as if it had never gotten up in his chair.

Of course this changes when we start again ourselves on the day of the first training session of our blood pressure is beginning to fall, the blood vessels get used to the load in a week. After 1-2 months of the vascular system is more flexible, which makes our blood pressure and also the ability to stay low for an extended period of time.

The Blood Sugar Also Jumps:

Normally, blood sugar jumps after the meal, and then start to decline, as our muscles and other tissues to absorb the quantity of sugar, which is necessary for their operation. But laziness is already five days is enough to make post-meal blood sugar remains high. If you do not give up sedentary lifestyle, higher blood sugar cardiovascular problems, and diabetes can cause. To start play sports because there are already training a week due to a significant drop in post-meal blood sugar, even Type II diabetes as well.

Quickly Discharged:

If you omit two weeks of training, it could reduce by 20 percent VO2 max: indicates the maximum amount that can be recorded by this body and carry oxygen. This is because in the mitochondria driven into muscle, those mini factories that convert oxygen into energy, rapidly. The exercise, however, due to come into operation again, although them a lot more time and effort will be as dismantled.

6 Things: It Happens In Our Bodies When We're Not Moving
6 Things: It Happens In Our Bodies When We're Not Moving

Our Muscles Begin To Atrophy:

If we leave the workouts, endurance leave us faster than physical strength ... at least for a while. But let's be sure of: no matter how beautiful biceps, we have built for ourselves, and also begins to deteriorate. Enough for two weeks of rest to significant muscle mass begins to drop, so, some muscle fibers can change so much that we will be less and less able to exert intense forces. Of course, this process is reversible, but it also takes time, effort and a lot of sweating. Three week strength training need for ten weeks in order for the fast fibers can be increased by 22 percent.

Get Fat:

A week after our muscles laziness has reduced the fat-burning capability , the metabolism slows down, it is no exception to this rule of professional athletes. Since we can only escape if we start to sweat and you also helps a lot if you're training just once a week.

We'll Be Moody:

Two weeks on the sidelines longer enough to be exhausted and moody. During experiments, when the mice did not move for a week, fewer new brain cells produced in a maze and letting it perform much worse than than the mice who constantly moving. No one with a new one to exercise great drug for depression, immediate improvement in mood, movement is great for the brain also, responsible for memory violate hippocampal function is better to move more.