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A clicking the jaw, or why we can not hurt our heads, or we will cut to the heart of the night? the operation of the jaw can be a problem.

Especially in the jaw joint disorder deals with a special working group of the University Clinic of Prosthodontics, the only one in the country. Their leader, Peter Hermann, said the wide range of disease symptoms can be: could a musical phenomenon - friction ratchet - limited to the jaw movement , but pain occurs frequently. A nationwide survey by the clinic reveals that one in three patients examined affects any problem.

Because of the painful joint disease can move the jaw, but many times it happens that the patient is always a headache. Therefore regularly it happens that patients, a neurologist go and just get to the clinic after a long time.

Experience shows that the majority of patients suffering from joint problems, improper posture, hunched forward, their heads and necks is pushed forward, it does not lead to an appropriate position of the jaw and joint complaints. But as the continuous conjugation is a constant strain on the chewing joints - it can cause trouble.

Two-thirds of female patients, mostly middle-aged. There are two basic reasons - for developing this disease -according to Hermann. One psychic anxiety or even prolonged stress can occur due to constant jaw clamping , nighttime teeth grinding . 

Another common cause of the disease could be that the dental fillings or dentures do not allow free movement of the jaw and, if the teeth are not properly met, the two bones are not naturally related to one another, improper, wrong move, a permanent half-hearted effort infect the joint.

The cure, treatment may vary. In addition to tailor-made dentures may need plastic occlusal track that brings out the disease, the patient's jaw out of position, so the joint is appropriate, take a comfortable position. Professor Hermann also stressed the role of physiotherapy as well. Created by the working group - admitted that he was skeptical at first - which, like other locomotor system - physiotherapy focuses. It was later revealed; the jaw joint is no exception.