Here is your gifted Link..........Collect

Here is your gifted Link..........Collect

Here is your gifted Link..........Collect

Here is your gifted Link..........Collect

Daily drinking at least four cups of coffee can reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence - according to the American Cancer Institute Dana-Farber large-scale study.

The study was made ​​involving almost a thousand of those people who had surgery and chemotherapy used in colorectal cancer treatment. The results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, taken according to the consumption of coffee was effect those who have four or more days of the cup consumed - i.e. approximately 460 milligrams of caffeine on themselves.

These patients had a 42 percent lower likelihood of cancer recurrence than non-coffee consumers, and 33 percent less likely to have died from cancer or other disease unit. Daily two to three cups of coffee had more modest beneficial effect until a day or less cups of coffee just reported minimal protection.

These early symptoms of colon cancer:

Despite the promising results, the study leader Charles Fuchs cautioned not admonished the cafe patients whether they begin to drink coffee - can be read on the website of British newspaper The Daily Mirror was.

"If someone is a regular coffee consumers are being treated for and colon cancer, you do not stop for coffee climbing However, if you do not drink coffee and thinking about to begin, first of all means consult your doctor." - Said the expert, stressing that further studies will be needed fresh results confirm.

The current study is the first in the world which showed an association between caffeinated coffee and colon cancer among risk of recurrence.

The results of many recent studies suggest that the coffee may protect different types of cancer, including postmenopausal osteoporosis (postmenopausal), breast cancer, melanoma, liver cancer and prostate cancer in contrast.